Wednesday, February 04, 2009

ALA Emlaw

A story and some thoughts...

As I was walking in from the bus stop this morning, the crazy 80-something, evangelical janitor was talking to random people and himself, as usual. It was all the normal stuff. Random phrases peppered with a "Praise the Lord!" or the odd "Amen!" when suddenly he seemed to have a very important thought. He stopped shoveling the snow on the sidewalk and declared loudly that "They don't know! They just don't know!"

feeling something special was about to happen... I watched...

He started asking random students walking past questions to do with grounds maintenance. My favorite one went as follows...

Janitor - "Hey young lady! Praise the Lord!"

20-something girl - "Yeah..."

J - "They just don't know!"

G - *Looks quizzical, as if she's not quite sure if he is talking to her or himself...*

J - *Holds up a shovel and points it towards her* "What kind of shovel is this?!"

G - "Uhh... I don't know..."

J - "See! They just don't know! And you're holding all the books! And i'm getting paid!"

G - Walks off quickly

J - "Amen!, young lady!, Amen!"

Made my day!

And now for something completely different.

- When did it become acceptable to go to school (Or even outside for that matter) in pajamas? Half my classes were full of kids in the nightwear. In the afternoon...

- Why does everyone act so surprised when they reach the cash register at work, then spend 10 minutes hunting through an over sized bag for a $5 bill... "Oh I have to pay?!"

- I don't understand people who say they can't go to the bathroom when someone else is in the room (like in a public bathroom). If you don't HAVE to go, why are you in the bathroom?! Stop wasting time!

- Stop wearing those 80's style neon coloured (Lol, red squiggle) sunglasses. You look like a tool and it was cloudy today. I hope you paid too much for them and they break.

- I have not got bored of subway yet. Over a year of a free Veggie sub almost every single day. Eat your heart out Jared! (He probably could, look how big he used to be!)

I think thats all for now. Looking back some of those thoughts are a little mean...

Ah well.

Keep it safe kiddies


"Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss


Anonymous said...

So the Univerity hires nutjobs....worse things could happen.

And yes, some of those were...interesting, and yes kinda mean. But that's life, and they need to get over it.

BTW, Love the "Deep Though" post on my blog. Smart Ass.

MLA said...

"A la EmLaw" - what are you saying? That my posts consist of bitter, bulleted rants?

MLA said...

PS - get rid of the goddamn word verification. "Tricairo" is not a word. I'm not a robot.

Anonymous said...

I agree with MLA. I have tredch, and I know that isn't a word.

People, Robots can blog too. Don't be afraid to let their voice be heard!

Jamie said...

Not bitter bullet rants, just lots of thoughts! I was collecting these ones all day!

Also, word verification stops things like this... (Read the comments, although the post is fun!)

Thomas Clark said...

And it's perfectly acceptable to wear pj's to school. Always has been.

Kal El said...

I miss that old guy.

MLA said...


Kit Bennett said...

that was some pure dunch gold very entertaining,also I do miss the nutter!

Last time i checked littedi was not a word...