Thursday, June 02, 2011

A mobile test

Hey guys!

So... This is being done from my mobile. Not sure if I should be amazed at what my phone can do, or gutted that it has come to this. Attempting to post a whole blog update from a 6in touchscreen. Still, we persevere.

A simple topic for today, things you have carried with you since your first summer at camp. Most of you who will read this out of nostalgia have worked with me at camp, and all I want to know is, what have you managed to hang onto from that first magical summer? For me, it seems to be a (sadly) very short list. I will attempt pictures at the end!

I have;
- My Union Jack flag, hung alongside the American flag on the day of the 2005 underground bombings, and used as a cape several years running. (little fact, it has hung whereever I have lived since that summer).

- My Lansing Lugnuts baseball. Love it, been hurt by it. Missed a catch aimed at my head once or twice!

- My oriental-style hanging banner made in Lin's arts and crafts shack. At first glance it looks like random Chineseish symbols, then after a while you see the "Team Pie" written in. Again, hung everywhere I have lived for six years now.

- My "Most likely to be seen with his cabin" and "Most likely to be on time" awards. Worth more to me than gold.

- Lastly, but by no means my least favorite, an album from Fallout Boy, "From under the cork tree" AND a Yu-Gi-Oh deck. Both things comforted me and helped me bond with my campers!

So, assuming this works and posts properly, what do you still have?

Keep it safe,


True Blood Seasons 1-3 DVD Boxset said...

Keep it safe

SSJskittle said...

Veg, it's SSJskittle, from what, 10 years ago. :)

I was pissing around with an old hard drive and came upon my cache of old MSN logs, I was wondering how you're doing bro.

I use the Email nowadays, so if you want to hit me up, that's where to hit me up at. Peace out

SSJskittle said...

Dude I sent you another email, :P

I can't just put your name into Facebook bro, we don't have any contacts, work information, locations or friends in common, so if I put your name in, it populates a list of >9,000,000 people with your name, with you buried in there somewhere.

You can't just put someone's email address in either, I guess. Probably an anti stalking measure. :P Which is unusual for Facebook, they're usually terrible at keeping people's personal details quiet.

Anyway, yeah, you're going to have to give me the URL of your profile, i.e. "", which is mine.

IISAFETY said...

Glad you're still able to update what’s happening in the camp. Just keep safe everyone.:)