Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mind = Blown

Hey guys

We all know i'm a thinker, right?

Well today I thunk (Sidenote - Great word) myself into a migraine.

See, I was thinking about different things, and Maths pops into my head. I remembered learning in my American "Math for Elementary teachers" class about Binary. As far as my limited knowledge of binary goes, it is a system of counting using zeros and ones. Computers use it, and words or numbers can be converted into binary code. For proper information, check here. After thinking about it for a while and trying to remember how to count things in base 1, 2 and 3, it hit me that this year is 2010. since 10, or 1,0, is sort of binary that made me think of dates that could be in binary. Naturally, 10/10/10 came up first, so I thought i'd find out what it could mean. Perhaps a funny word, or a name. Something to celebrate when the tenth of October came around.

What I got, was this.


So that made me want to check it backwards. I typed into Google "What is 42 in binary?".

This came up.

Wow. 10/10/10 = 42 in binary! My favorite book, discussed only weeks ago, sent me a subconscious message! My mind has been blown.

Anyone got any ideas as to what might happen on that date? Or will it just be another day?

Comments, as always, appreciated.

Extra reading if you're interested:

42 is the answer to "Life, the Universe and Everything" (Click it, it's worth it)

Keep it safe.



Matt said...

But Jamie, what's the question?

Paul said...

The second result on your first link was posted on my birthday last year : )

Awesome book.

Oh and matt, the question is... :

What do you get if you multiply six by nine ? : )

Matt said...

I would question the person who gave you 42 as the answer to 6 times 9.

Paul said...

You could do... but he's fictional. And the guy that created him is dead.