Saturday, March 17, 2007

The yank has deserted me!

I bet that title has a few of you sweating huh? But seriously, don't worry. The Yank has made her own blog... She's stopped being my sidekick (In the blogging sense anyways, we all know she kicks my ass in this relationship!)

Her blog is Bunny ears and Pin cushions., and let me explain that. 1. She has an obsession with bunnies. 2. She is always pricking her fingers to test her blood sugar, hence being a pin cushion.

Keep an eye on that blog boys and girls...

Keep it safe


Instead of a quote, I have an observation. Notice how in her links bar Matt's blog is above mine... I see where her priorities lie... ;)


Anonymous said...

I am impressed with the subtlety within that title.

What with me thinking it was all about voodoo sewing kits.

Anonymous said...

Veg, Katie's things are in Alphabetical order :D shes not put matt's before you to spite you, just happens to start with A and yours B :P later

Ms. Field said...

well spotted Dan!!!! You are very smart:)

Matt said...

Mine are above hers on here too. What does that say?

Ms. Field said...

I think that has been changed in response to mine...