Friday, September 01, 2006

I have a new pet!

Well, two really!

This is one of them... His name is blue! I have decided that living in the staff apartments on my own will be kinda dull and boring... so I got me some low-maintenence pets!

They live in this small cage, which they like to climb the walls of. The hermit crabs are great pets because they need so little looking after! All they ask from me is a squirt from the spray bottle (it makes them come out their shells! They don't need it, they just really like it!) and some popcorn every now and then (through careful experimentation, me and the Yank have found that they enjoy popcorn most of all!).

They may be ugly to some, and scary to me... but they're soo cute as well! When i'm in the apartments on my own, nothing to do, i'll try and whip out some pictures of the little guys together!

Today we were packing up all katies stuff into the cars so we can move her into school tomorrow! It's my job to build the futon (for non yanks like me, thats a sofabed ;) ) and I think it'll be the best damned futon in the world!

Also, i had an eye exam and aparantly in America, it's standard to have your pupils dialated, and then examined for... i think Glocoma... or something like that.

A N Y ways, I had it done (picture goodness as soon as I can) and so for about 4 hours todayI was walking around looking like some stoned hippy with huggge pupils... seriously, there was only a small ring of my sexy, ravishing green eyes left. Normal daylight hurt 'cause there was no filtering!

And they said it was the best thing for me... yeah...

But hey! It was free, so i'm not complaining! There's not a lot i wouldnt take for free, although i have no doubt that you guys can find something...

And, as promised (Cap'n B) A picture of me actually standing while waterskiing!

Keep it safe kiddies!


"Shut up, shut up, shut up, don't wanna hear it,
Get out, get out, get out of my way,
Step up, step up, step up, You'll never stop me,
Nothing you say today is gonna bring me down!" - Simple plan - Shutup.

Good lyrics... Might even have to buy one of their albums...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude ! Loving the idea of the crabs as pets.. i wanna.. pet them?!.. yeah you look intense wakeboarding lol water in your face? yeah and i doubt you could build a sofabed.. unless all you need to do is assemble it.. then you might have a fighting chance. and.. er.. what was the other thing..... oh yeah, simple plan, get their album, burn it, sent it back to me with mommy, lol. later Veg.