Hey guys
Here is an exerpt from my former camp directors blog,
The Journey
The Hero’s Journey ends with a return home. Consider Frodo returning to the Shire after travelling the world. This return is always as a slightly different person, with a slightly different perspective.
T.S. Eliot wrote,
“We shall not cease from our exploration
And at the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time”
As I begin my new journey, I expect to return to this place with a new appreciation. Currently my opinion is tarnished by those most regularly surrounding me. There are moments where I see the results of this journey I am ending; a phone call from a long-time camper, first-time counselor telling me how much I have meant to him; or an email from a counselor thanking me for a great summer. My hope is that when I close the doors on this one, it will be with a happy heart.
To which i commented ;And then we found this a few days later:
The Mentor
The hero rarely completes a journey without a mentor. Thank you Jamie for your comment. I have only recognized myself as an advisor or mentor in the last couple of years. Just as one must accept the role of hero to fully experience the journey, one must be proud to actively fill the role as mentor. A mentor cannot properly fulfill their role in a hero’s journey unless they choose to. Often the mentor is the spark that begins a hero’s journey - thus being the most important person in the journey.
Back on the old blog I had a post on mentors. There was a quote from Pamela Slim: “The reason a great mentor is so effective is that you can learn from someone who has already walked down your path and therefore has tested, practical advice.”
Imagine Harry Potter’s journey if Hagrid hadn’t bothered to help. Imagine the life of Luke Skywalker if Obi-wan Kenobi had chosen to keep his heritage a secret. I’m proud to have been that person sitting at a table in London seeing the hero in the skateboard carrying man from Essex.
I think that what this is showing me is that not only am i gonna miss Matt a lot, because he has been my personal Hagrid for the last year or so, but also that there are a lot of similarities between what he's done and what i'm doing. Really Matt has a gift for seeing the good in people. wether its good with kids, or simply just a good heart, Matt is THE best man for the job he is in right now. Thats why it's such a shame he's leaving.I can see so many similarities between us, it makes me wonder what lies ahed. But, as always, the butterflies will create the hurricanes that shape our future.
If you dont know what that means, check out my first post on here ever,
Keep it safe kids
Jamie the Great said,
September 24, 2006 at 9:04 pm
If there was ever a more perfect version of the heroe’s journey, its the one you’re finishing right now. You showed that to me in that slideshow you played in staff training. You arrived in this country with nothing, just like I have. You worked hard and well, Completeing your trials if you will, and you have emerged as the master of both worlds. You have moved from the hero into the role of advisor, the person that helps or trains the hero. You are the obi wan of the camp world. From apprentice to master.
What i’m trying to say, is that you’ve helped so many people over the years, even the ones that havent said it because they’re too shy or too proud or whatever the case may be. You havent just completed your journey, you’ve helped create so many others.
I remember that it’s your fault I was pulled down this rabbit hole… You hired me in London!
Keep it safe…