Think of this post as a kind of a... clip show of my blogging life. I'm gonna post some exerts from old blogs that you guys might not even have heard about (or have been bothered to click the links for them!).
This has all come about because of me thinking. Yeah, i know i do it a lot, but this was a little different. I was thinking of how i look to my kids that stay in my cabin. I think that if my 10 year old self could see what i'd look like now, i think he'd be very happy! Even my teenage self, going through my amazingly akward phase (which i am still in, in some respects!) would look ahead and say "hey... Perhaps things arent so bad after all!". I mean, right now, i'm tanned, healthy (getting physically fitter thanks to swimming, walking and playing all day every day, muscle definition!) and happy. I have a beautiful girlfriend, a fun job that i love... I think the main thing is that i'm happy now... which makes it harder to post good blogs!
So, onwards with the clip show!
I wanted to start with something from wayy back in the day, but it seems like my oldest blog has been killed. I guess the website was done...
So, we jump straight in at Saturday, June 27th, 2004, almost two years ago.
"So, yesterday. I was at work for most of the day doing crappy jobs for a pissed off boss. so you can see why i jumped at the chance to "go drinkin'" and it lived up to all my expectations!
We started the night in chelmer village, trying to get everyone to get off their asses in asda car park and go get some drink. After about 15 mins of everyone saying lets go, we went.
The non-drunken walk into town was ok, but as always it took 4 years (y'know, give or take) but we passed the time by commenting on how every other sentance sarah says is a dumb blonde comment. (even though she has dark hair)
Once we got into town, we decided to hit the co-op in molsham street, to try and get served.
This was the plan - Me and Mike Bignall would go in, pickup what we want and if they asked for I.D. i would say "i didnt think i'd need it" and mike would produce his fake ID.
yeah, it didnt work! they didnt accept that form of we went to molsham wines who, as paul so adeptly put it "would serve a 7 year old if he had the money". we got a crate of bud and some poffy drinks for the girls.
The next destination on our bowl-fest was 24 hour tescos. We went in for more beerand i decided that it would look better if i payed for it on my own, so mike headed off into the freezer section and i went to what i thought was a nice young person on the tills. turns out she was nearly 40 and looked very good for her age!
she asked me for ID and when i didnt have any she called her manager over who said "nah he looks like one or my mates, i'd say about 19" That made me smile! and naturally i milked it for all i could, saying that people always say how young i look for my age and such!
Anyways, after that we just went drinking in a field (john shennons or something) and not alot happened. Just some good old bonding and much photo taking.
check out and this one (i believe this link is broken, but feel free to try it!)
Good times!!We ended the night with everyone going for cheesy chips. By the time we reached the army and navy, it was just me and joe.... so we went for more beer! all we could get was mankey stella though, so i didnt drink many, only about 4 or 5.
We ate our chips on this boat, i think its the muddy waters, at like half 1 in the morning! it was great! The best bit being when the chef walked in on us (we just got on and drank and ate not their food) and just said "........ i'll leave you to it then" and we were left there untill they closed!
The walk home took approximatly 4 seconds, and me and joe stopped on the roundabout and in a playpark (the playpark was great, spinning everywhere!)before stumbling in at half 2 in the morning.joe crashed on my couch, and i came down and woke him up real early, as is the custom after i drink!!
I think thats all i want to put in here, check joes blog for details that i missed!
today was not great... i spent alot of it asleep and as a result, i will not sleep tonight!!!!
-(long post huh?)-
see ya next time, same veg time, same veg channel
Keep it safe,
This was posted before i was old enough to drink, but old enough to go out at night! Good times...
This next one is from Thursday, november 25th, 2004. It's from my "dark age" where i hated my job, and really the nowhere my life was going...
So, here we go again huh?
Ive found another reason to bitch..... and so the blog returns!
Lets just forgo the formalities huh? straight to the point
-I feel that my life is going nowhere fast.
Thats a good one huh? Lets look at the points i will be discussing;
Work - a good start no?
Social standing - always a good discussion topic.
everything else that dosent fit in the above two.
So, work.... For those who dont know, since being kicked out of sixth form i have been working full-time at T.K.Maxx in chelmer village. I realy can't see any reason for me to stay there. I'm not happy, the work is crap (dealing with customers on customer service), i dont like the managers and there is no morale between the staff.
I really hate my job. which in turn makes me hate every damn morning. I have unwillingly turned into that guy. you all know him. The guy who works a job he hates, for less money than he deserves, in hours that make him an almost social reject. That guy has nothing to look forewards to, and is forever looking back and saying.... "damn, i had it good back then, but i didnt know it."
"so why dont you quit?" i hear you ask.
The answer is, "i dont know". Maby im just lazy, prehaps i would feel bad leaving them, during the christmas period with no FLM (Front Line Manager (my job)). I might even be scared there is noone who would take me. who knows. Its very easy to say "i'll quit after christmas" but who knows if i will?
Now, what was the second topic? ahh yes, Social standing.
As you all probably know, i adored that common room, i loved every second i was in it. and why? because i was popular. lol, sorry but i'm going to be blunt about this, i feel i was popular.
All throughout my school career, i was the nerdy geeky kid who liked pokemon, and sat with the blonde maniac and the fat kid.
as soon as i was in sixth form, i was suddenly accepted by this huge group of people, who didnt care what i did, or didnt do or wear. For a whole year, i was blissfully happy. I was invited to partys, i got off with fit girls...and then i was kicked out... and it all stopped dead right there. like someone pulling the plug on a computer. nothing.
i dont know, maby im looking back at it all with rose-tinted glasses but, im my mind, Thursday, January 29, 2004 was the happiest day for me for a very very long time. for those of you who dont remember , it was the snow day last year. it was a perfect day.
Hell, all im saying i suppose is that i want my old life back, but bitching to a computer isnt going to change anything. I mean is this all im going to have in life from now on? Working during the week, going out on weekends, drinking too much and then doing it all again the next week? I want more from life than that. i refuse to believe that that is all i can have. If i'm depressed now.... what am i going to be in 10 years time? even just 5...... WHAT DO I HAVE TO LOOK FOREWARDS TO?
I honestly never thought i'd say this..... but i really do hate my life.
dont worry, im too smart to do anything stupid, that wont solve anything. It'll just make things worse.
does anyone really enjoy their jobs?
what is there to look forewards to?
heh, I really was just a guest star in the first season of "the common room".
funny that.
Keep it safe
As you can tell, thing have got much better since then! But that really was a bad time for me...
Ok, thats enough for now, you're probably sick of reading! If i get encouraging comments, i'll show you guys some more of my past.
We'll see...
Keep it safe guys,
"What did you learn this week?"
"That it would probably be cool to be English..."
A programme director here and a kid from 2 weeks ago. He was thinking real hard...
Saturday, July 08, 2006
My... how time flys...
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I remember the second one, because I left a comment longer then the original entry. It's a shame that everything has either stayed the same or got worse since I wrote it.
I think 10 year old Bruce would be disappointed. Ah well-Its not like he can complain or anything.
Also, I'm not sure if this counts as an 'encouraging comment' or not...
aah the old common room days. good times had by all. i told u to revise jamie. if ud have listened to me, ur year or so of crap would've been brilliant. ah well, glad ur all happy now. sounds like its all working out well for u. take it easy man. paul x
Hey there veg, i loved this post, its kinda what i wana do..ish? well not the depressed bit but all the going out boozing with 10, finding yourself left with 1 at the end. wel im now 15, those times arent far away. u gotta put more on, or gimme the link to your old blogs. i've been sitting on this pc for 4 hours now, how sad.. i've been scape-ing it, and even, i got THAT bored.but i decided i hadent commented on here. so i did. and there it was. cant wait to see u at christmas. keep on ricking. Dan x
omg.. i cant believe i did that..
"keep on ricking" it was meant to be keep on Rocking ! lol
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